democrats abroad,
friends of the holy land,
i want to echo campaign's director of volunteers, bill bloomfield's call to sign up and volunteer for the final days of the campaign.
today, You are 25 days out from election day. You have an opportunity to make a direct impact on this election by volunteering Your time for sen. john mcCain & gov. sarah palin.
the mcCain-palin ticket is ready to lead Your country during these trying times. they bring experience & a record of reform that washington, america & >>> israel desperately need right now. but they'll never get elected without Your help.
so, please take a few minutes to read bill's email you've got before & sign up as a volunteer for the mcCain-palin campaign today. i can't stress enough that Your direct involvement will make all the difference on election day. israel is counting on your support now more than ever.
thank You so much!
friends of the holy land,
i want to echo campaign's director of volunteers, bill bloomfield's call to sign up and volunteer for the final days of the campaign.
today, You are 25 days out from election day. You have an opportunity to make a direct impact on this election by volunteering Your time for sen. john mcCain & gov. sarah palin.
the mcCain-palin ticket is ready to lead Your country during these trying times. they bring experience & a record of reform that washington, america & >>> israel desperately need right now. but they'll never get elected without Your help.
so, please take a few minutes to read bill's email you've got before & sign up as a volunteer for the mcCain-palin campaign today. i can't stress enough that Your direct involvement will make all the difference on election day. israel is counting on your support now more than ever.
thank You so much!
Bell On A Rip - 2008/10/14 09:26
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